"A Carpenter's Tale, Ian Ridgway: A Life"

by Ian Ridgway, with Jim Brown and Pat Ridgway
Deluxe Gypsy Books 2017

A Carpeter's Tale

Price: $30.00 CDN plus shipping costs.

To order contact:

Pat Ridgway, 604.886.8820

or Email : patridg201@gmail.com

This chronicle of Ian's life begins in England and continues in Vancouver, from the 1960's onward. He and others recount their experiences of the Counter Culture Scene at its height including the Mission and Langley Pleasure Faires, Habitat Forum, Strawberry Mountain, McCabe and Mrs Miller, as well as tales of the alternative community at the Maplewood Mudflats. With photos.


“ 'Making people’s dreams real and making it fun' is a theme running through Ridgway’s account of his life and times, and that’s exactly what Ridgway’s Deluxe Building Collective did”. And “....a fun-filled tour of community members’ lives, referencing many of the events and activities that marked Vancouver’s counterculture scene". From the 'Ormsby Review' by Ron Verzuh: bcbooklook.com ... Dec. 2018.

" Every B.C. library ...should have a copy of your book". From a 3 page review in the North Shore News by John Goodman. June 2018.

"There is no navel-gazing here, and no excess sentiment: instead, its a fresh and fully documented account of the times- the 1960's through 1980's - that will be familiar to many baby boomers." And "including the Mission Faire where Joni Mitchell sang to an enchanted crowd". From a review by Sunshine Coast Author Jan Degrass, in the Coast Reporter Nov. 2017.
Untitled Document